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R&S®VSA Video Measurement System
Категория - Контрольно-измерительные решения
Официальный сайт Rohde & Schwarz (Германия) :
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Five powerful instruments in one 19 cabinetKey Facts
- Characteristics Video Measurement System VSA from Rohde & Schwarz combines the functions of a video analyzer, vectorscope, oscilloscope, monitor and controller (PC) in a 19 desktop. Fields of applications are
- laboratory and service
- automatic test and monitoring systems
- production and quality assurance
Features & Benefits
- Five instruments in one
- Video and FFT analyzer
- Simultaneous computation of up to 150 different signal parameters
- Automatic limit monitoring
- Automatic overall measurement of all parameters
- Individual measurements using extended test capabilities
- Test-signal and test-location display
- Standard or reference measurement for each parameter separately
- 3-channel oscilloscope
- Simultaneous display of up to three video signals in separate displays
- Separate test input for each part display (eg components, RGB, YCBCR)
- Simultaneous display of the same signal with different time scales in up to three separate windows
- Displayed signal section variable in the x and y direction from approx. 200 ns to 20 ms
- Digital filters for simulating signal manipulations, eg all CCIR filters for insertion signal measurements
- Scale automatically matched to the display
- Two cursors for each window: LEVEL, PEAK, SLOPE and PULSE functions allow analysis of complete signal elements
- Vectorscope
- Graphic display of all colour parameters of a video line in magnitude and phase
- Accurate measurement of phase difference of two colour signal sub-carriers by alternate suppression of colour subcarrier reference
- Permanent waveform display of video line
- Automatic computation and display of all colour subcarrier amplitudes and phases when a standard colour bar signal is applied
- Monitor
- Easy identification of selected video signal
- Display of a video signal as monochrome TV picture with eight grey levels
- Simultaneous display of any rollkey-selected video line of the TV picture
- System controller
- Comprehensive automatic test system
- Control of external devices via IEC/IEEE bus or serial interface
- Complete PC (DOS + Win-dows) with integrated IEC/ IEEE-bus card
- Computing and measurement functions independent of each other
- Simple switch-over between measurement display and DOS display
- VGA colour monitor and external keyboard available as accessories
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